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Quality dogs deserve quality owners. Not everyone will be approved for a Dachshund Palace puppy.


We usually require a $500 down payment to proceed with a sales contract agreement and transfer ownership paperwork to your full information. A sales contract/agreement document will be emailed for you to review & sign once you provide us with your full information. ( A sales and purchase agreement is a legal contract that obligates a buyer to buy and a seller to sell a product or service. SPAs are found in all types of businesses but are most often associated with puppy sales deals as a way of finalizing the interests of both parties before closing the deal). Sorry about all that. But, we are doing all this to secure both our puppy and your money. Also, the SPAs document guarantees 100% money back if the customer isn’t satisfied with the purchase.


All puppies come with a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee. This means that within 30 days of buying a puppy, you can return the puppy to exchange for another puppy or get a full refund. The information you fill in the form fields will be used for the contract.  

Let us know what payment method you will prefer
Apple Pay